ActionScript 3.0 for Running Man

At long last, user-driven interactivity!

Here is the code that makes the above little .swf work (this is what's in the .as file).

    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import; //sound
    public class RunningManInteraction extends MovieClip
        var sceneStanding:SceneStanding;
        var sceneRunning:SceneRunning;
        var technoMuzak:TechnoMuzak;//sound
        var soundChannel:SoundChannel;//sound
        public function RunningManInteraction()// This is the "constructor method!"
            sceneStanding = new SceneStanding();
            sceneRunning = new SceneRunning();
            technoMuzak = new TechnoMuzak();//sound
            soundChannel = new SoundChannel();//sound
            sceneStanding.x = 200;
            sceneStanding.y = 160;
            /*These two lines place the instance in the middle of the stage which is 400 x 320
            This could be done in better fashion by changing the registrations of the two scene symbols or
            by creating a stage center constant. */
            //Add event listeners
            sceneStanding.invisBut.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onStandButClick);
            sceneRunning.invisBut.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onRunButClick);
        //Event handlers
        function onStandButClick(event:MouseEvent):void
            trace("you clicked me");//Explain use of trace. Also how to "comment out."
            sceneRunning.x = 200;
            sceneRunning.y = 160;
            soundChannel =,int.MAX_VALUE);/*The play method takes three parameters which can be left blank () or filled to create loops and such. This set-up creates a loop as follows. The first parameter (0) is how far in you want the sound file to start (in milliseconds). The second parameter (int.MAX_VALUE) is how many times you want the sound file to loop. (int.MAX_VALUE) gives us an endless loop for all practicial purposes. If you wanted to apply a sound transform, you'd give that as the third parameter. */

            sceneRunning.aniRoad.gotoAndPlay(1); /* This line was added later to fine-tune the user experience and is an example of addressing unexpected issues (and learning on-the-fly). This line was added to get the road animation to restart each time the button is clicked; without it, the loop keeps playing and appears to restart at a random position.*/
        function onRunButClick(event:MouseEvent):void
        trace("back to basics");
        sceneStanding.x = 200;
        sceneStanding.y = 160;
        soundChannel.stop();/* sound. Note that this is a different syntax to stop the sound than to play the sound! Stop is a method of the soundChannel variable, while play is a method of the technoMuzak instance.*/


Hey Kids! Here is a simplified version of the scene change code. No sound! etc.

    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    public class SceneJumpDemo extends MovieClip
var scene1:Scene1;// creates a variable called “scene1” that will hold instances of the symbol named “Scene1.”
        var scene2:Scene2;
public function SceneJumpDemo()// This is the "constructor method!" Whatever is in here happens automatically when the program starts.
            scene1 = new Scene1(); // fills the variable named “scene1” with a new instance of the library symbol named, “Scene1.”
            scene2 = new Scene2();

            addChild(scene1);//The addChild keyword adds the instance contained in the scene1 variable to the stage.
//Add event listeners. Event listeners tell the computer to pay attention if something happens.
            scene1.bigBut.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onScene1ButClick);//"bigBut" is the instance name of a button in the Scene1 symbol
            scene2.bigBut.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onScene2ButClick); //"bigBut" is the instance name of a button in the Scene2 symbol
//Event handlers. Event handlers tell the computer what to do once something happens.
        function onScene1ButClick(event:MouseEvent):void //this is what happens when you click the button in Scene1
            removeChild(scene1);//removeChild takes an instance off the stage.
        function onScene2ButClick(event:MouseEvent):void //this is what happens when you click the button in Scene2
