Thursday, January 27, 2011

Project 4: Animated Buttons

1. Create a library of 20 buttons.
2. Post them to your blog as an embedded swf. Here's the code:
<object height="320" width="350"> <param value="yourfilename.swf" name="movie">
<embed src="" height="320" width="350"></embed></object>
3. Due Thursday, February 3.

Here are the demo videos:

What is a button? What does it do? How does the design of a button affect its use? What are some design elements used to design buttons? Think of "great buttons in history." What are some of your personal favorites? Don't just think digital/computer buttons; the real world is fair game too!

1 comment:

  1. If anyone is having trouble uploading swf files try the website It is free and was very easy!
